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Indian Wedding in London

Wedding Planners

Love Story

Creating Memories Worldwide,
Where Always Meets Forever.

'Love is the answer to everything.

It's the only reason to do anything.'

- Ray Bradbury

Xclusive Occasions Team

A Dedicated Team

Looking for a wedding planner?

At Xclusive Occasions, this London based team is a duo of experts known for their meticulous attention to detail, innovative thinking, and passion for delivering personalised events. We believe every love story is unique and deserves a wedding experience that exceeds all expectations. Our mission is simple: to create a wedding that is truly beyond your wildest imagination.

Questions Answered

Xclusive For You

Unsure on what comes next?

Planning a wedding can be stressful, with countless details to manage. At Xclusive Occasions, we understand how overwhelming it can be, and we know you likely have many questions. From our first consultation to your last dance, we're committed to guiding you every step of the way. That's why we've compiled a comprehensive list of FAQs to help you navigate your wedding planning journey with ease.

Wedding Cake Detail

Tailor Made Events

What services do we have to offer?

Whether you're planning on an intimate local hall in London or a luxury island celebration in Bali, we extend far and wide to meet your needs. From full wedding planning to crafting your dream destination wedding, we work with you every step of the way. Our team focuses on the behind-the-scenes details, ensuring you can relax and enjoy every moment of your special day.

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